Upon commission by Haier Group in December 2014, our team developed the design of an interior AC Unit chassis (to be realized entirely via 3D printing), to be exhibited at the upcoming AWE – Appliance & Electronics World Expo in Shanghai, March 2015. To date there was no precedent in the use of 3D printing for home appliances at the given scale (typically an interior AC Unit has a bounding box of 100x30x40 cm), so what we developed turned out to be a world’s first.

Year — 2014
Architect — Co-de-iT NYXO

Team — Alessio Erioli, Tommaso Casucci, Mirko Daneluzzo, Alberto Casarotto, Mirco Bianchini.
Tools Rhino, GH, Cinema4D, Illustrator, Photoshop.
Link Co-de-iT