Circle curve division
In this post we make a variation of a curve division by max spacing, to generate division points and axes along a circle curve in three ways: by angle, instances and angle-instances. This spacing can be particularly useful as a more flexible polar assembly pattern.
The circular division is displayed using an action and a reaction, but the logic can also be captured with a knowledge pattern.
P.S this post was part of a series of posts realized for that unfortunately was shouted down.
Tools — 3dExperience, EKL
Using an action
For each use of the action, all inputs and parameters need re-assignment.
Using an action
For each use of the action, all inputs and parameters need re-assignment.
//Declare variables let crvLength (LENGTH) let crv (Circle) let srf (Surface) let extPt, pt, ctPt, pjPt, ptDir(Point) let tnLine, yLine, prjLine (Line) let ptAxis (AxisSystem) let normalDir, yDir, pjDir (Direction) let count, i, instDiv (Integer) let stRatio, addRadio, stAngle, divAngle (Real) let ptName, axName, divType (String) let delList, geoList (List) let delItem(Feature) let geoDest, geoPt, geoAx, geoItem (OpenBodyFeature) //set the inputs set crv = CircleCurve set divType = DivisionType set stAngle = StartAngle set divAngle = AngleDivision set instDiv = InstancesDivision set geoDest = GeoDestination set srf = ReferencePlane //Clean the destination geoList = geoDest.Query("OpenBodyFeature", "") if geoList.Size() > 0 { for geoItem inside geoList { delList = geoItem.Query("Feature", "") if delList.Size() > 0 { for delItem inside delList { delItem.Delete() } } else { break } } } //Define the division values for each typology if divType == "Angle" { count = floor(360/Angle) stRatio = StartAngle/360 addRadio = Angle / 360 } if divType == "Instances" { count = (Instances-1) stRatio = 0 addRadio = 1 / Instances } if divType == "Angle&Instances" { count = (Instances-1) stRatio = StartAngle/360 addRadio = Angle / 360 } //Define the extremity point projecting the center point along Ydir ctPt = center(crv) ptDir = pointonsurface(srf, pt, direction(0mm, 1mm, 0mm), 1mm) prjLine = line(ctPt, ptDir) pjDir = direction(prjLine) pjPt = project(ctPt, crv, pjDir) crvLength = length(crv) //Create the GeoSets to contain points and axes geoPt = new("OpenBodyFeature", "Points", geoDest) geoAx = new("OpenBodyFeature", "Axes", geoDest) //Division creating points and axes i = 0 for i while i <= count { ptName = "Pt-"+i axName = "Ax-"+i pt = new("Point", ptName, geoPt ) pt = pointoncurveRatio(crv, pjPt , stRatio, False) tnLine = linetangent(crv, pt, 0mm, 1mm, False) //Axes will be tanget to the curve normalDir = direction(tnLine) yLine = line(pt, ctPt) yDir = direction(yLine) ptAxis = new("AxisSystem", axName, geoAx) ptAxis = axisSystem(pt, normalDir, yDir) stRatio = stRatio + addRadio } geoDest.Update()