The project is located in the east part of the center of Bondeno, in a strategic area for sports and plays activities, due to the presence of a major sports area next to it.
The project is characterized by the construction of three cylinders of different diameters and heights but sharing the same structural system. The reference architecture consists of the bales of hay that characterize the rural areas of these lands.
The aim is to give the population a building that rises from the customs of the place, from its main features, and that is recognizable and close to the population, not a ” top-down ” building that is alien to the territory.
Every cylinder has its different and proper functions. The presence of large windows in each cylinder allows a constant illumination of the interior. The outer shield overshadows the sun in order to optimize the irradiation and passive heating inside. For the auditorium and cinema hall, in case of daytime shows that need a dark environment, the natural light is reduced by a system of internal curtains. The installation of photovoltaic systems for the production of electricity is guaranteed.

Location — Bondeno, Ferrara
Year — 2017
Architect — Mario Cucinella Architects

MCA team — Mario Cucinella, Marco dell’Agli (project coordinator)
Valentino Gareri (architects in charge), Mirco Bianchini, Francesco Galli, Arianna Balboni, Federico La Piccirella, Clelia Zappalà
Tools Rhino, GH, Autocad, Illustrator, Photoshop.
Structure and Construction Sarti Ingegneria
Electrival Engineering Landi Spa
Mechanical Engineering Studio tecnico Riccardo Giannoni
Calculations and specifications Studio tecnico Roberto Guidi
Photo Daniele Domenicali
Links — MCA